Friday, September 21, 2012

Building managed Service Stacks using Cloudformation

Infrastructure as Code

With the advance of cloud computing, we have reached a point where the hard infrastructure really can be treated as software, as code.

Networks, servers, firewalls, DNS registrations and so on does no longer require the physical handling it required not so long ago, it can be managed by running a script. Hardware goes soft!

This is a very interesting development, but brings challenges which will sound very familiar to the software development community. How to keep these software blocks maintainable and re-usable. How to deal with relatively quick changing versions of this infrastructure configuration. How to minimize dependencies? And so on.

For the developers among us, this sounds pretty straightforward but this is not necessarily the case for the guys or galls with no software or scripting background.

Amazon's Cloudformation

One of the areas I ran into quite a few times lately is how to structure these building blocks when using Amazon's (great) Cloudformation service. According to AWS, "AWS CloudFormation gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources, provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable fashion.".

Using Cloudformation, AWS Resources can be managed by specifying the needed resources (in a declarative way) in a JSON formatted template, and through the management console or command line interface, a so-called Stack can be instantiated by providing this declaration and a set of input parameters. This stack can be updated by providing an updated template or changing the parameters, and Cloudformation takes care of propagating these changes into the actual infrastructure components. Cloudformation even provides tools to configure (bootstrap) the actual server instances, but its main focus is on the infrastructure elements itself.

All very nice and dandy, but the questions I ran into is how to structure these cloudformation stacks. Make one big stack containing everything? Or each individual resource in its own stack? Or something in between.

This sounds remarkably similar to lots of discussion in the software engineering area. Remember Object Orientation? Component Based development? Service oriented architectures?

Well, in fact is bears a lot of resemblance and I truly believe we should embrace such best practices rather than inventing the wheel again.

Unfortunately we don't have the same level of sophistication as the real software development languages and tools provide, but given the options we have we can achieve a reasonable level of isolation and re-usability.

Meet the Managed Service Stacks.

The core of such an infrastructure is typically a server or a set of servers. Such a server implements one or more roles (e.g. web server, app server, database server) and can be used in different setups (e.g. development, test, production).

However, in order to let this server do what it is supposed to do, a lot more resources are needed. A few examples include:

  • We need a firewall configurations (security groups) to open up only the necessary ports to a particular set of clients.
  • We want this server to be accessible by name rather than IP, hence the DNS must be configured, including a fixed (elastic) IP address.
  • Maybe we do not want one server, but a flexible, automatically scalable set of servers. We're in the cloud after all, aren't we. And sure, we need to load balance these servers as well.
  • We want to monitor these servers for health and availability and want to be informed if things are getting out of hand.
Suppose we have a rather traditional system setup consisting of:
  • one or more web servers;
  • one or more app servers;
  • one database cluster.
I prefer to model the cloudformation stacks along these three different server types, rather than putting these all together in one stack. So each of these server types will have its own stack (the Service Stack) containing all elements needed for these servers to do what is needed.

The service stack for the web server group could look like this:
The stack contains all the resources needed for the web server to provide its core services. All changes (e.g. different scaling policy, additional DNS name) are managed by this service stack.

The overall environment (let's assume production environment) of this straightforward setup consists of a number of Service Stacks, one for each of the server type and possibly an environment stack that contains the setup of the network (VPC, subnets, NAT instance and so on).


Infrastructure as Code brings challenges which are very familiar to the software engineers among us. Following the concepts as pioneered in the good old days of components based development helps in splitting the configuration of Cloudformation stacks into manageable chunks. Unfortunately the tools are not very sophisticated yet, and lack core features such as to maximise code and configuration re-use but they still can be immensely useful in dealing with large scale deployments.

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